
Why Join? 

Who would be a good fit?

Our team is looking for students from grades 7-12 that interested in technology, self-motivated to learn, and helping our team to compete and explore new challenges. As a small competitive robotics team, we expect each student to work hard and play a crucial role in our success. This means putting in a lot of time and effort both inside and outside of team meetings. At the same time, we understand that the competitive pressure and time commitment aren't for everyone. Feel free to also check out our local 4-H team or contact us at if you would like more help finding a team that suits you. 

Some potential focus areas on our team are: Engineering/CAD, game strategy, graphic design, video editing, marketing, social media, & more.

Fill out our team interest form here:

Feel free to contact us at for more information or details our team or how to join.